Debbie reveals why her son Colt wouldn't take her in, after she was denied entry to Canada

 After being turned down at the Canadian border, because she didn't file for her permanent residency, Debra Johnson was left stuck in the US, with nothing but the clothes on her back, since all of her belongings were moved to her boyfriend Tony's house. Many of the show fans who saw the news were surprised that Debbie's ex daughter in law Larissa offered her a hand, while others blamed her obese son Colt, for not taking his mom in, and helping her in her time of need.

Debbie expected the Canadian officials to be nice with her, and give her a pass because she's 70 year old. When that didn't happen, she was devastated to hear them say she couldn't return until her papers were filed. Debbie understands that no one is above the law, however, her recent Instagram post about the topic was full of entitlement and contradictions. The 70 year old reality TV star cried, as she had to leave the man she loves in Canada. She was feeling bitter towards everyone who prevented her from peacefully enjoying what's left of her retirement years.

In a surprising turn of events, Larissa Lima stepped in, and offered to host her ex mother in law at her home in Las Vegas, despite their toxic past. The Brazilian was praised by the show fan, who didn't expect her to ever make such a nice gesture to a woman, who made her life a living hell, the moment she stepped foot in the US.

Debbie is active on Instagram, and she saw many Instagram users wondering why her son didn't help her out. To stop the gossips, Debbie sent direct messages to many of the show fans to explain the situation better. We managed to get one of those DMs, in which Debbie wrote:" Colt doesn't have room. I would rather be in Vegas. You don't know that colt didn't offer me a place to stay. Just because he's not on social media".

It's true that Colt and Vanessa moved to Reno, Nevada, not so long after they tied the knot. The reality tv couple revealed last year, that their long term plan is to leave the state of Nevada for good. Colt doesn't have a spare room, and his mom prefers to stay in Las Vegas, so she will have to figure it out, until she files for her Canadian permanent residency paperwork, and eventually move back with her Canadian boyfriend Tony.