Shaeeda and Bilal share pregnancy update

 At the start of 2023, 90 Day fiancé season 9 couple Shaeeda Sween and Bilal Hazziez shared a very sad news with their fans. The Muslim couple were feeling crushed, after they lost their baby due to miscarriage. Almost a year later, the TLC couple were interviewed by entertainment tonight, during The 90 Day Fiancé 10th year anniversary event, and they gave the interviewer an update about their pregnancy journey.

Shaeeda and Bilal have been candid about their difficulties in conceiving a child together. Bilal has two children from his previous marriage, and was apprehensive to begin trying for a child with Shaeeda, because he had some concerns about her being a gold digger. 38 year old Shaeeda didn't have time to wait due to her age. She stated that she needed to start trying to get pregnant sooner rather than later, and even threatened to leave Bilal if he wasn't ready.

On the 90 Day Fiancé 10th year anniversary event's red carpet, the Entertainment Tonight interviewer asked Shaeeda about her pregnancy Journey, and the Reality Tv star replied:" Well, I'm keeping optimistic, I'm not going to make that throw me off, from ever wanting to become a mother, because I was so down for so long, thinking that my fertility days are completely over, but I was happy that the fans were able to support me. I get so many DMs, some woman saying, 'Oh I had five miscarriages and 10 years later I have five kids.' So it was like, you know what, this is just a stepping stone, and it's all in God's hands and I'm keeping optimistic."

A moment later, Bilal started preaching and told the interviewer that his wife's miscarriage was a test. He also praised his wife for being amazing, and for revealing the bad news publicly with her fans.

During his 90 Day Fiancé season, Bilal was labeled a villain for his treatment of Shaeeda, but she continued to defend her husband against his haters. The Trinidadian was determined to show the world, that her spouse had nothing in common with the man who was seen on the show.