Signs that Ashley is pregnant

 All the signs indicate that Ashley Michelle, and her Ecuadorian partner Manuel, from 90 day fiancé season 10 are expecting a baby. The witch doctor sparked pregnancy rumors, during the 90 day fiance 10 year anniversary event, and since then, she's been quiet about the topic due to her non-disclosure agreement with the TV network.

31 year old Ashley is a hood witch from Rochester, New York. Before bringing her Ecuadorian boyfriend to the US on a K-1 VISA, she lived independently on her own. Based on her spending habits that were filmed on the 10th season of 90 day fiancé, she's either making racks from her witchcraft business, or she's drowning in credit card debt like most of Americans.

Back in September 2023, Sharp Entertainment which is the mother company of TLC hosted a 90 day fiancé 10 year anniversary party, for the show cast members, the producers and the filming crew. Many of the well known faces in the 90 day fiancé franchise attended the event, and there were also a few new faces, who also showed up to celebrate the occasion, like Ashley and Manuel.

In front of the step and repeat event banner, the new TLC couple posed for pictures. Manuel wore a black blazer with black pants, and Ashley wore a sparkling gold maxi dress. Ashley's stance, however, struck the show fans, who saw the event pictures that were shared on social media, and many of them were asking in the comments section:" why is Ashley holding her belly?".

According to their social media activities, Ashley and Manuel are still together in 2023. Given that they've been filming since 2022, they probably got married the same year. Despite acting like a mismatched couple on the show, the pair have managed to set aside their differences, and there is a big chance that the rumors about Ashley's pregnancy are true. Despite the couple's constant arguing on the 10th season of 90 day fiancé, they did have a lot of makeup s*x after all those fights, which could've easily led to Ashley getting pregnant. The American stated many times that Manuel made her feel so good in the bedroom, which is one of the main reasons why she fell in love with him.