Kalani tells the truth about her pregnancy with the hall pass guy

 After her pregnancy rumors started to get out of hand, Kalani Faagata recently went to her Instagram to reveal whether she was pregnant or not.

It all started last week, when the mother of two hosted a Q&A session on her Instagram stories. One fan asked her whether she wants to have more children or not and to that Kalani answered:" My relationship with my mom makes me want a daughter, I’m 35, so I feel like it’d have to happen this year or not at all. But also my boys never stop fighting so".

Since Kalani already has two boys and she's so close to her mother, all she wanted to say by her Instagram story is that she wishes to have a daughter who will be so close to her as she is to her mother. Her confession was misinterpreted, and the 90 day fiancé fans thought that she was currently trying to have a daughter with her new man Dallas Nuez, since she's 35 year old and biological clock is ticking.

To stop the spread of her pregnancy rumors once and for all, Kalani shared a new Instagram story with a caption:" I'm not pregnant". She also asked her fans to not believe anyone who says she was.

While Kalani denied the claims, her fans and followers were not at fault for believing she was pregnant. In recent weeks, the 90 Day The Last Resort star has expressed a strong interest in her new man, Dallas. She has frequently mentioned him on the new 90 Day Fiancé spin off and has used s*xy videos of him which she keeps on her phone to work on her intimacy homework. Because the new guy is not selfish in the bedroom like Asuelu, Kalani is madly in love with him. Unlike Asuelu, Dallas attends to Kalani's needs, making her feel cherished. The new man seemed to be the perfect match for the single mother.

Kalani still has time to have a third child. However, she is unlikely to do so with Asuelu, as she has admittedly lost interest in him. On The Last Resort, Kalani and Asuelu who are still legally married are attempting to repair what's left of their marriage, but their issues are too deep to be resolved by a two week trip to Florida and a few therapy sessions. The couple would have benefited more from keeping their company private and hiring a personal therapist to help them handle their concerns. For the time being, everyone can tell that Kalani and Asuelu are done for good, they are just keeping their marriage for the kids and maybe to not complicate Asuelu's legal stay in the country.