Debbie's son Julian is exposed for cheating and disrespecting his real girlfriend during the tell all

 There were some signs that Jen Boecher and Debbie Aguero's son Julian B Lin from 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way got together after they ended filming for the Tell All since the pair had exchanged their numbers during the reunion. However, a 90 day fiancé fan found Julian secret Facebook account and was surprised to discover that the cop has already a girlfriend and a kid too!

48 year old Jen from Oklahoma, met The Indian fitness model Rishi Singh in a hotel lobby thousands of miles away and fell in love. Jean, who works as a speech and language pathologist, got proposed to by Rishi and she anticipated to get married two years later when they rejoined following the pandemic. Rishi, on the other hand, had not informed his family that he engaged to the American and that Caused a lot of problems and misunderstanding between all parties.

Jen eventually discovered that Rishi would not marry her against his family's wishes, nor would he leave his family to live with her separately after their wedding. She had no other choice than to end her relationship with him, but the couple met at a friend's wedding six months later and hooked up. Nonetheless, Rishi's family made it plain that they were not happy with the odd relationship, and they called Jen old. Shimla, Rishi's mom, kept making ageist remarks about Jen, telling her that her sole problem was that she was 15 years older than Rishi. These comments hurt The 48 year old American deeply and made her cry during the tell all. Jen questioned whether it was sane to stay in this relationship with no future, when Debbie's son Julian appeared, and suddenly became a potential date for Jen.

Jen questioned how much sense it would make for her to spend a lifetime waiting for her former Indian fiancé to man up and convince his family to accept his life decisions. Then she told Rishi how hurt and disturbed she was at his mother's comment regarding her age. "I'm not going to let opportunities pass me by," she told Gabriel Paboga backstage. Jen admitted to giving her phone number to someone's son, whom she considered as a potential. She also told Gabe everything she admired about Julian. Jen felt Julian's vibe from the start, especially because of how attentive he is towards his mother, and she believed he was attractive, aside from having a decent career and looking like someone she could have a conversation with.

What doesn't make sense at the moment is why does Julian want to date Jen if he already has a girlfriend and a kid. The 90 day fiancé fan who found him on Facebook confirmed that the photos posted by Julian and his girl were recent, and she/he added that his relationship status on Facebook was "in a relationship" and not "single". Is   Julian a lousy boyfriend and a cheater or TLC is just trying to create a fake relationship and story line between him and Jen to keep them on the show to be part of some future spin offs?

After being exposed, Julian quickly deactivated his Facebook account so that no other 90 day fiancé fans can find him. Beside being a cop, he's also an actor, or at least he's trying to be one. TLC loves to cast people with acting history, either doing reality tv or were on the big screen like Natalie, Jovi and Libby because it's easier to convince them to act during the 90 day fiancé shows they are filming and will accept faking their story lines without any problem. Something fishy is going on with Julian being on the show, and we will make sure to discover more information about this story in the next few weeks.