Nicole looks stunning in a new 90 day fiancé the other way tell all teaser clip

 A new teaser clip of 90 day fiance the other way season 4 tell all was released on Twitter by TLC, and it looks like every cast member of the show dressed their best for the special occasion. A 90 day fiancé fan has a shared a post on Reddit, stating that she saw a couple of cast members from the current season in New York back in March, and she assumed that they were there for the filming of the tell episodes. Something was surprising about the tell all's teaser, Nicole was in the Studio, so she wasn't in Egypt, and she was wearing a beautiful dress that covers only one of her shoulders, which is something her Husband "Mach-mood" would never approve.

Nicole Sherbiny's husband Mahmoud Elsherbiny does not allow her to dress glamorously in Egypt, but it doesn't stop the fashion student from expressing herself and her style every time she flies back to the States. The 38-year-old was on a soul-searching journey to Egypt when she entered a clothing store and met Mahmoud, 28. Nicole and Mahmoud married within a few weeks of meeting, although she converted to Islam first. However, things began to fall apart as Nicole struggled to acclimate to the faith and society and couldn't stay together with Mahmoud.

The couple Instagram posts give the idea that they are still living together in Egypt. Also, Nicole one time answered a fan's comment under one of her posts, the fans asked the cast member about her current living situation, and Nicole told her that she's currently renting an apartment with Mahmoud in Giza, Egypt. However, seeing Nicole in the New York Studio where the tell episodes were filmed, made us wonder whether she's still with Mahmoud or not, especially that the teaser showed Mahmoud saying "I'm done" and storming off of the room from which he was calling the studio.

Nicole looked stunning in the studio, her brick red dress was so beautiful and a little bit sexy, probably that was the main reason why Mahmoud was angry at her. She also wore a shiny Egyptian collar necklace and kept her short blonde hairstyle.

Debbie, Kris, Jen and Gabe were also in the New York studio and their presence there can give us a hint that all of the relationships that we saw in 90 day fiance the other way season 4 are not having a happy ever after. Even though Mahmoud and Nicole's marriage was doomed from the start, both of them were really trying their best to make it work. When the tell all episodes will be aired, all of our questions will be answered.