90 day fiancé: Fans praise Bilal for supporting Shaeeda's Yoga business (video)

 On part three of this season's 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? Tell-all special, which aired on TLC on Sunday, the fans saw how much Bilal has changed, and praised him for keeping his promise to Shaeeda about having a baby. He was also spotted in many videos on Shaeeda's YouTube channel helping her with her Yoga classes and business. Their journey was full of ups and downs but now the couple is on the right way. During this season, the love birds discussed their disagreement about when to have a baby, Shaeeda wanted to start trying right away because she's 37 years old, and he wanted to wait and enjoy each other company for a couple more years first. It was shocking when Shaeeda suddenly disclosed that she was now the one who wanted to put off having children.

Bilal and Shaeeda revealed that after an emotional discussion on what was intended to be a romantic trip to New York City, during which Shaeeda cried and stated she wasn't sure if she could stay with Bilal if he didn't want to have a baby, Bilal agreed to start trying, but they only tried twice. During the tell-all, the other cast members were taken aback when Bilal stated that Shaeeda suddenly "flipped-flopped" and stated that she wanted to wait. The Trinidadian basically wanted to make herself independent and to feel safe about being in the United States with or without Bilal. The only way to do that is by starting her Yoga business as soon as possible and not only by providing online coaching yoga classes . Finding and renting a studio, having a business plan, do the marketing and all takes a lot of time and commitment that will be hard to do in case of having a new born baby. Shaeeda exact words were:" I've decided to focus on my business and grounding myself in America, I feel like I'm finally finding myself and it feels amazing. Like, I want children, just not immediately right, right now.".

Bilal allegedly assured Shaeeda that he would never open a joint bank account with her. She also stated that she had no idea how much money he earns per year. Bilal defended himself, saying he wanted to educate Shaeeda about financial responsibility first but would be accused of lecturing her and mansplaining. Shaeeda accused Bilal of being stingy, and Bilal revealed that he didn't want to buy popcorn at the movies which is understandable since a lot of people do the same thing because prices in the movie theaters are ridiculous.

Many in the 90 day fiancé community didn't like Bilal at first and called him a liar because he didn't keep his promises to Shaeeda about having a baby together and helping her start her Yoga business in the US, but it seems like all of that was a fake story line that the couple had to follow and agree to in order to stay on the show. In the tell all, Bilal agreed to have a baby with his Trinidadian wife, and on her YouTube channel he's been very supportive during her yoga demo videos and teaching classes. And the fans can see that. One of the fans commented on a Shaeeda YouTube video saying: "Bilal is an amazing supporter throughout the entire process. What an amazing team you guys are and I'll be signing up. ", while another wrote:" I'm glad that you tried yoga with your wife. Most time your partner doesn't make time for what each other love, venturing outside your comfort zone. Trini loves." and there is more from where that come from if you check the comments section of Shaeeda YouTube video here.

Shaeeda is getting everything she ever wanted with Bilal and the couple is solid and will have a happily ever after story. It's gonna take a while due to the NDA signed by the couple to be in the show, but everyone is expecting Shaeeda to share an official social media post about her being pregnant later on this year.