90 day fiancé: Proof that Veronica is dating Kimberly's son Jamal (video)

 Tim Malcolm's ex Veronica Rodriguez has become a cast member in the 90 day fiancé franchise from being just a guest. Back in March 2021, in one episode of discovery+'s 90 Day Bares All, the two ex lovers revealed that they met when Tim was 28 years old and Veronica was 23. Veronica walked up to Tim at a bar, started flirting with him, kissed him and slipped her number in his back pocket before the end of the night, and that's how their love story began. They were together for 7 years, 5 of them were great and in the last 2 years they started to drift apart and eventually broke up but stayed in contact and so close with each other.

In the single life season 3 tell all parts 1, there was a small video teaser showing Veronica telling the tv host Shaun Robinson that she's currently dating someone. Just right after, we see a video this "someone" touching his rings, straightening his shirt and preparing himself to enter the studio with the rest of the cast members. This mysterious man is Veronica's current boyfriend and there are many signs that this man is no other than Jamal, the son of 52 years old Kimberly Menzies, who is the fiancé of Usman Sojaboy and currently being part of 90 day fiancé happily ever after season 7.

If you take a closer look and focus on the photo below, you will see that the mysterious man has the same shape of the hands of Jamal, the same rings on the same fingers and finally even the same bracelet. Many in the 90 day fiancé community who follow Jamal on Instagram @jdmzie have already made the conclusion that it was him. Now, what is left to know is how the two of them met and if they are great together or not, because Tim said that he's seeing a lot of red flags already in their relationship.

Numerous fans left comments on social media saying that the two are not very compatible, citing things like their  10 year age difference or the long geographical distance between Veronica and Jamal place of living. However, others didn’t have an issue with them dating, and hoped that their relation is real and not some publicity stunt planned by TLC to create a buzz online and get the people attention. One fan wrote on Reddit: "So Veronica could be Sojaboy’s future step daughter-in-law?" which is funny if you think about it. Another wrote: "Interesting. I’d be happy for them. Anyone know the age difference? If production is misleading viewers by showing him when speaking about her new guy but it is someone different, kudos to them for making things interesting. ". It seems like the story has caught the public attention and everyone wants to know how it happened and if it's real.

Another proof that Jamal and Veronica are together, is that they were spotted on a date in a rooftop bar in New York called  the "PHD Terrace at Dream Midtown". Each of them has posted separately a photo in the same bar in the exact spot like it's shown in the pictures below. Veronica wrote on her photo Instagram caption: " Since I don’t have the photos from the Chloe's rooftop party together yet, here are some photos of another pretty rooftop".

It's not a secret that Veronica and Jamal are both good looking and are loved by almost all of the fans. However, seeing them together may be shocking for some people for multiple reasons. It looks so random and could be fake. For now, the fans will need to wait for the single life season 3 tell all episode 2 to get all the answers.