90 Day Fiancé: Angela deem is inviting her fans to her live adult show

 Did you know that Angela Deem can dance and sing? The controversial 90 Day Fiancé reality star surprised her fans by revealing that she will be performing in the last week of October in a live concert at New Orleans on Halloween night.

Angela Deem from 90 Day Fiancé has a totally new career in 2022. The 56 year old grandma will soon be carrying out  her own concert at a well known bar in New Orleans. The Georgia native was working as a medical assistant when a Nigerian man Michael Ilesanmi slid into her Facebook DMs and started flirting with her. The African was 22 years younger than her and quickly fell in love with Angela, who soon discovered herself flying to Nigeria to meet him. With age and cultural distinctions between them, creating a host associated with trust issues, Angela and Michael broke up a couple of times and got back together at the end until they got married back in January 2020. However, Angela is still being suspicious and insecure when it comes to Michael’s intentions because she feels that he’s scamming her for money and to get a green card.

Meanwhile, the 56 years old still wants Michael to stay at home and to depend on her financially and she refuses that he goes to work, which makes no sense. It appears fair for Angela to work multiple jobs even at her age as the grandma has to support both herself plus her Nigerian husband. But in an amazing move, Angela has now revealed that her new passion is singing and it looks like she's following the steps of Elizabeth Potthast. “Get ready friends! You can meet me LIVE AND IN PERSON,” Angela wrote in her recent Instagram post caption to announce the future event that she will be in and to use her fame to invite her fans and make them buy tickets.

On the 29th of October, Angela’s will be live at the world-famous Cat’s Meow located on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, which has a long list of events lined up for her supporters. Angela has stated that the venue for the Halloween event is the “#1 karaoke bar in the world” and that it’s “going to be so much fun.” Not only her fans will get a chance to meet and greet 90 Day Fiancé's Angela in person, but she’s also going to make a live performance of a yet undisclosed song live and in concert. Along with this particular special treat for her fans organized by Angela, the event also has a karaoke competition and autograph plus photograph opportunities with the one of the most talked about D list celebrity of the 90 day fiancé franchise.

Angela is going to be judging the karaoke competition, while the particular attendees get to witness the venue’s special Halloween festivities. Located at the heart of a historic location in New Orleans, Cat’s Meow is a popular visitor attraction and a friendly neighborhood pub that’s beloved by tourists and local people alike. Besides, with Angela being there, the event will be more fun as she's known for her crazy and unpredictable behavior when she's in public.