90 Day Fiancé: Kimberly reveals how she was married to a criminal who k*lled a cop

 Ninety Day Fiancé star Kim Menzies revealed recently that she was previously married for about 20 years with her son Jamal Menzies‘ father, who we never saw on the show. But that’s not the only marriage in the San Diego native's past. In Touch Magazine just confirmed that Kim was previously married to a black African American man named Kevin Golphin, who is currently in prison for homicide. The ex was a criminal, did many bad things and his worse felony was killing a police officer.

Many women choose to date inmates, some are desperate, others want to feel the excitement of dating a "bad boy" and Kim is just one of them. Young Kim saw the story of Kevin in the local news and decided to go to jail one weekend to see him. Kim has a good heart and believes that everyone deserves a second chance, even if they did bad in life, and this is exactly why she woke up one day and decided to call the jail and take an appointment to meet Kevin.

In Touch Magazine revealed that Kevin and his brother, Tilmon Golphin, have been arrested back in September 1997. The two brothers, who had been teenagers at the time, have been each charged with two counts regarding first-degree murder, two counts of theft with a dangerous weapon, one depend of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, one depend of discharging a firearm into a private property, and one count of grand theft auto. Tilmon, who was 19 at that time, and 17 years old Kevin, have been accused of killing two white police officers during a traffic stop in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Despite their young age, they both faced the death penalty regarding their severe crimes, which was how a regulation was written at the time. Credited to the public outrage surrounding typically the case, the Golphin brothers’ trial had been rushed and scheduled in just five months after the crimes were committed.

During the month of February in 1998, Tilmon and Kevin have been tried together in a jury trial in Cumberland County, by a court jury selected from the Johnson County. The judgment may seem cruel, but the brothers have been found guilty on all charges and they got sentenced to death for each and every murder they have committed.

As soon as the brothers got their  court sentence and went to jail waiting for the big day, Young Kimberly commenced writing and visiting one of the brothers even more frequently. The insider which is probably one of Kim's old friends or someone who used to work in the jail, told in Touch Magazine about Kim’s bond with Kevin and mentioned that Kim felt like there was even more for the case than met the attention. She would not condone the crimes that Kevin did, or think it's right, but she felt like Kevin was a broken man who is in need of help, and maybe if she could help him somehow, he will love her and stay with her forever as a form of appreciation for her helping him during his darkest times.

The source told the magazine that Kim wasn't in love with the criminal, but she loved him as a person, which was enough for her to get married to him and to try to apply for conjugal visits that were never approved. Kevin also needed someone to be the power attorney, and that had been it. Everything lasted about two years before their marriage was annulled. Kimberly and Kevin were not together from the time the crime took spot. They got married  in January 1999, but the marriage was never consummated so Kevin can't be the father of Kim's son Jamal.

Kevin’s death penalty sentence got changed to life without parole, and to this day he's still in contact with 51 years old Kim, who's now a cast member of 90 day fiancé happily ever after season 7 with her "potential"  Nigerian fiancé  Usman aka "Sojaboy".