90 Day Fiancé: The real reasons why Ari and Leandro are not together

 90 Day Fiancé season 9 viewers have been wondering about why Ariela Weinberg’s marriage to her ex-husband, Leandro Fosque ended? After a decade together, they split up, but it is still not clear why. Ari gave some hints in past seasons of 90 day: the other way about why the divorce has occurred, but in general she's been trying to avoid the subject. It could be because she still has feeling for her ex and doesn't want to hurt him in any way by sharing private information about their past relation.

In season 2 of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other way, Ariela spoke briefly about her first marriage to her Argentinian ex-husband, Leandro. Nevertheless, in season3, Leandro takes the front seat within Ariela and Biniyam Shibre’s storyline. In the episode 2, which aired on September 2nd, 2021, Ariela was talking to her nanny, explaining to her how much she was unhappy while being in Ethiopia and she revealed that her ex-husband was flying from the United States and coming to visit her to meet Biniyam and her boy, Avi and she was so excited while sharing the news.

While Ariela was extremely happy to meet her ex-husband again, her fiancé, Biniyam, wasn't. He thinks that a woman in a relationship should not be best friend with her ex or any other man for that matter. Later on in season 3 of 90 day: the other way, we saw Biniyam kicking Leandro ass by making him tap out in a friendly squabble, of course, if it was a real fight, Leandro will end up in the hospital because Bini is a professional fighter. It is clear that Biniyam perceived Ariela’s ex-husband as a risk. 

Now, we are seeing Ari, Bini and Leandro for the third time on Tlc 90 day fiancé show, we can't stop wondering why the ex is still in the picture despite him and Ari not having a kid together, and why they didn't come back together as a couple? what's the deal? Here are the reasons of why the couple split up, but kept a healthy relationship between them:

1-Ari unexpected pregnancy in Ethiopia:

We all know that Aviel was not a planned baby, his mom came to Ethiopia as a tourist to have a good time, then she met Bini on the streets while she was waiting for a taxi and got knocked up in that same vacation. Many of the viewers believe that Ari didn't want Aviel to grow up without his father, and also she refused to let Bini to go through something hurtful like being far from his kid, which is what happened to him with his first wife who ran away with his first born. So to keep the family together, she applied for the K1 to bring Biniyam to the USA so they can all be together.

2-Ari and Leandro were on a break:

When Ari Traveled to Ethiopia, she and Leandro were going through a rough patch in their marriage, the divorce papers were signed, but both still thought that maybe if they keep distance for a while and keep busy doing their own things, they may miss each other and come back together, but then Bini happened and that plan was out of the question.

3-Ari's keeping Leandro around as a plan b in case she and Biniyam doesn't work out:

Ari definitely still has strong feeling for Leandro, she's always smiley and happy when they meet, and he is still her best friend, even after meeting Bini and having his baby. But, most of the times, she worries that Bini maybe is not the one for her because he never had a stable income, he put his hobbies and goals first before her, and he allegedly cheated on her multiple times when they were together in a long distance relationship. Let's assume that as soon as Bini gets his green card and secures his place in the USA and leaves her, we all know who's the man who will be with Ariella next.

Many 90 Day Fiancé fans think that the chemistry between Ariela and Leandro is way stronger than with her current fiancé, Biniyam. However, it is clear that there are a couple of good reasons of why she and Leandro are not and cannot be together at the moment.