90 Day Fiance: Ximena Morales modeling career in a nutshell

 On her 25th birthday, Ximena Morales tried to show off her new look on her Instagram after months of waiting to get and finance herself a boob job and a tummy tuck. But the transformation failed to impress the 90 day fiancé community.

 Most of the comments on her birthday's posts were about how she was looking older than she actually is, while others were written by worried fans asking if Mike will be safe from the loan shark whom she borrowed money from to get her plastic surgeries done.

 The Colombian star recently dyed her hair green like the joker. And on her 25th birthday, she wore a sexy pink dress and looked so happy celebrating her big day with her family. Beside that, She didn't seem to be bothered much by the hate she was getting online.

 When Ximena started dating Mike, she saw an opportunity for a better future for herself and her two young kids with him in the United States. She also wasn't working at the time, so Mike started to be her provider even from far  and he had been financially supporting her and her family. Ximena’s family was supportive of this relation and wanted the couple to stay together, but mostly her mom, was pushing her into it. In one episode of the before the 90 days, we saw Ximena and her mom having "the talk", the mom was honest and gave her daughter a reality check of how much Mike is doing for her and the whole family, and she explained to her that without him, they are going to be in a big trouble trying maintaining the lifestyle that they are all enjoying right now. 

 Ximena began to realize that Mike wasn't the one for her because he was acting clingy and weird based on her words. She didn't appreciate him looking at her as a creep while she was sleeping. While trying to defend his behavior, Mike explained that he was just admiring her beauty nothing more and didn't know that he made her feel uncomfortable while doing it. 

After Mike declined to pay for her breast augmentation surgery, she told him that she was not interested in trying and buying a wedding dress or even in getting married to him. Beside that, she started to think of ways to finance her plastic surgeries from other sources, and ended up borrowing money from a dangerous Colombian loan shark. At the end, she just wanted to be free from Mike and to begin her journey of financial freedom by improving her body and becoming a model.

 Despite having many haters, Ximena was praised for her self confidence and how she was seeing herself as a model. But if history is correct, then we all know what type of modeling, she will be heading for, since all of the female cast members from other seasons and spin offs of the 90 days fiancé franchise went to onlyfans.com to work as "models" selling premium personal adult content to their fans.

As everyone expected, Ximena did become an adult model on a cheap only fans knock off called unfiltrd.com, where she will be selling her private photos for a 5$ monthly subscription, I mean, is anyone surprised?